
Sell you artwork at Art For The Cash Poor!

May 5, 2023
Ongoing Applications
Organizations Website
Click Here for application

Join us for InLiquid's 23rd annual affordable art fair, Art For The Cash Poor! AFTCP returns Saturday, June 10, noon - 6 pm. The event will take place on the 1400 + 1500 blocks of N. American Street, Philadelphia, PA.

We’re looking for vendors from across the region to sell their work at this exciting day-long event. Each year, Art For The Cash Poor, garners over 2,000 attendees and gives back 100% of the proceeds to participating artists.

Local arts and community organizations will provide free programming for visitors that day including art and craft-making demonstrations, workshops, and more.

- Art for the Cash Poor is an affordable art sale, that directly benefits visual artists, designers, and craftspeople.
- All work priced under $250
- All proceeds from art sales go directly to the artists
- All artwork is an original production by the artist.

Vendor applications Now Open. Open to Artist, Designers, and Craftspeople who make their own work.

Click HERE for the online application form. There is a non-refundable $15 application fee.

Single Booth fee - $150
Shared Booth fee - $100 each

All participants are screened for quality and how they fit in with the event, submission does not guarantee acceptance.

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