
Open Call for Submissions: Hilma at the Wilma Art Show & Silent Auction

June 3, 2024
Ongoing Applications
Organizations Website
Click Here for application

The Wilma Theater is seeking submissions from female-, non-binary-, and/or queer-identifying artists from the Greater Philadelphia Region. If selected, your art will be showcased in an art show and silent auction running from June 7-18, 2024.

On June 7, we are celebrating the opening of the World Premiere of the new contemporary opera HILMA which uplifts the life and work of visionary Swedish Abstract artist Hilma af Klint. The early 20th-century queer mystic and artist Hilma af Klint channeled hundreds of paintings through messages from otherworldly forces, hoping to communicate the mysteries of the universe. Only recently rediscovered and hailed as one of the first-ever abstract artists, she worked in obscurity during a time that was not yet ready to receive her message. This contemporary opera – with a score that mixes genres including opera, rock, pop, and musical theater– wrestles with the hubris and humility that fueled one woman’s spiritual quest.

Through this art show and silent auction, we want to bring our mission of bold and adventurous art off the stage and bring focus to the amazing artists in our community! Participating artists will have their work displayed online and in person at the Wilma Theater from June 7 to June 18, 2024.

At the conclusion of the auction, a portion of the proceeds (20%) will be donated to the Wilma Theater, a licensed 501(c)(3) organization, and the remainder will be transferred to the artist. To participate, please contact Danielle Pisechko at dpisechko@wilmatheater.org or 215-893-9456 x123.

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