
OPEN CALL FOR ARTIST IDEAS: Production Budget $560,000 & Artist Fee $112,000

November 8, 2022
Ongoing Applications
Organizations Website
Click Here for application
Monument Lab (https://monumentlab.com/) is partnering with Bryn Mawr College (https://www.brynmawr.edu/about-college/history/arch-partnership-monument-lab) on an initiative titled the ARCH Project (Art Remediating Campus Histories--https://monumentlab.com/projects/arch) and have launched an Open Call for Artist Ideas as part of the initial stage of the artist selection process.
ARCH is a multi-year collaboration with Bryn Mawr students, staff, faculty, and alums to commission a lasting monumental artwork on campus. The goal is to respond to the legacy of exclusionary practices at the College, following a year of campus-engaged research led by Monument Lab. We’re seeking an artist to expand upon themes of revealing and repairing harm, reconciliation and inclusion in response to the question, “What stories are missing from Bryn Mawr College?” Refer to the artist dossier (https://data.monumentlab.com/uploads/monument-lab/originals/caf299a6-d69a-418b-8c4b-60f759bc4b8b.pdf) for more information about the project.
Selected semi-finalists will be paid $4,000 to develop proposals between December 2022 and March 2023. The final artist will receive a production budget of $560,000 and an artist fee of $112,000 to realize their vision, which will be inaugurated in late 2024 on the College’s campus in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
Interested artists are invited to join the Monument Lab team for an artist webinar (https://monumentlab.com/events/arch-artist-informational-webinar) on Thursday, October 27th at 7:00pm. Submit your questions and learn more about the selection process and project timeline.  
Key Dates for the ARCH Project
October 6, 2022 : Launch of Open Call for Artist Ideas
October 27, 2022: Informational Artist Webinar
November 8, 2022 : Close of Open Call for Artist Ideas
December 5, 2022 : Five Semi-Finalists Announced
February 2023 : Site visits for Semi-Finalists
March 3, 2023 : Semi-Finalist Proposals Due
March 30, 2023 : Semi-Finalist Presentations
May 2023 : Public Announcement of Final Artist
Questions? Contact projects@monumentlab.com
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