Throughout history artists have created work inspired by dreams. Delving through the mysteries of the unconscious, while asleep, triggers the imagination to explore infinite and sometimes unusual scenarios. The Surrealist Salvador Dali, who abstracted
imagery from reality, actually systematized an artistic technique for “cultivating dreams” in his book Fifty secrets of magic craftsmanship 1948, encouraging artists to capture those moments between sleep and wakefulness. For those aspiring dreamers the instructions are to sit in a comfy chair, while a small heavy object such as a key is held between your forefinger and thumb. Next to the chair directly under your hand holding the key is placed an upside down plate (hopefully unbreakable). As you start to drift off to sleep your fingers will loosen and drop the key onto the plate. Alarmed by the sound, you will then wake up remembering images that surfaced during that liminal state of sleep. Of course, what worked for Dali might not work for the rest of us, but taking a little nap makes it all worth while. Dreamland, a juried exhibition inspired by dreams - all media is eligible for acceptance.
1. Exhibition is open to residents 18 years or older, living in NY, NJ and PA.
2. All media will be considered and must be original and by the artist.
3. We prefer that work be hand delivered to the gallery, but will accept pre-paid shipment of work
preferably through the Post Office with return packaging to and from the gallery.
4. Art work must be wired and ready for hanging and/or installation and must not exceed 60” in any direction.
Please no saw tooth hangers. Size limitations for sculptural and video pieces will be considered individually.
5. Two dimensional works on paper and other fragile surfaces must be framed with glass or Plexiglas, except with special permission
6. All accepted art work must remain at the gallery for the duration of the exhibit. Upon delivery of work, the gallery has the right to reject work that is not consistent with submitted digital images.
There is no entry fee to enter the exhibit. Accepted artists pay upon delivery, a nominal fee of $25, by cash, check
or money order payable to Hamilton Street Gallery to cover costs for promotional mailing, hanging, lighting and installation.
Hamilton Street Gallery charges 25% commission on art work sold. Sales will be finalized at the end of each exhibition.
Hamilton Street Gallery will provide insurance for work upon receiving art, during exhibition and up until work is picked up. Artwork is not insured while in transit to and from the gallery.
Submission Guidelines
There are two ways to submit work:
A. Up to 5 digital file submissions will be accepted via email to or
B. Up to 5 images on a CD rom can be mailed through the Post Office
1. All submissions must be in JPEG format in the order you would like them viewed with artist name and title of work. Images cannot be larger than 800 x 800 pixels at 72 DPI.
2. An image list on paper, numbered in the order in which they appear on the CD, including title of work, media, dimensions, date, and price.
3. One page resume (please include phone number and email address)
4. An artist statement (optional but encouraged)
5. An SASE for return of materials is requested
6. Video and performance artists should submit DVDs labeled with name, title, date and price
(All submissions should be received, not post marked, by the deadline date.)
Please mail completed submission package in an envelope no larger than 9” x 12” to: Hamilton Street Gallery,
P. O. Box 710, Bound Brook, New Jersey 08805. or email submissions to
Gallery Hours: Thursday 12 to 5 pm, Fridays 5:30 to 8 pm, Saturdays 1 to 5 pm and by appointment.
Important dates to remember:
Submission Deadline - Thursday, January 5th., 2023
Notification of acceptance by email - Monday, January 9th., 2023
Delivery Dates - Thursday, February 2nd., 12 to 5 pm.
Friday, February 3rd., 5 to 8 pm. and Saturday, February 4th. 12 to 5 pm.
Opening Reception - Sunday, February 12th., 2 to 5 pm.
Pick up dates - Thursday, March 30th., 12 to 5 pm.,
Friday, March 31st., 5 to 8 pm. and Saturday, April 1st. 12 to 5 pm.