Creator of the International Street Art Show,.
Curated by the iconic Street Artist Al Diaz, who was Basquiat’s friend making art together in the streets of NYC.
1) Apply to have an image of your work and your name displayed on the billboards of TIMES SQUARE (December 2022)*dates subject to change.
2)Apply to have an image of you work displayed in SoHo in front of the Prada store on Broadway, SoHo, NYC.
3) Apply to be added to our E-Gallery.
Our guest curator and our team will select artists to be featured in the fall International Street Art Show in Times Square presented by NYC Artwalk.
If you apply to be displayed in SoHo, your work could be displayed as part of a collaboration with the Climate Museum of New York City, which will a mention of your work by them.
Images submitted must be 300dpi, nonviolent, not sexual, non political, not hateful nor discriminatory, no nudity, must not be religious and must be ok for all age groups.
Call is open to artists from all corners of the world.
Deadlines to apply:
SOHO: OCTOBER 10th, 2022.
E-GALLERY: ongoing, no deadline.