
Abington Art Center Open Call: Solo Series Review 2021/22

September 8, 2021
Ongoing Applications
Organizations Website
Click Here for application
The Abington Art Center Solo Series offers artists the opportunity to show a body of work in an individual gallery. Over the course of the year, 9-12 artists will present an exhibition of their own design in one of Alverthorpe Manor’s historic rooms.
Artists will be selected for a solo exhibition in either the Fall (November 5 – December 27), Winter (January/March), or Spring (April/June) exhibition season. Each year, AAC’s exhibition program features national and regional artists in AAC’s gallery spaces, as well as related programs such as lectures, public forums, and workshops designed to involve audiences in the experience.
Applicants will also be considered for an exhibition in AAC’s Community Arts Gallery, which highlights artists whose work aims to create conversation and engagement around local cultural and historical concerns.
Application deadline: September 8, Midnight
Notification date: Thursday, September 23
Fall Exhibition: November 5 – December 27
Fall Installation Dates: November 4-6
Winter Exhibition: January/March
Spring Exhibition: April/June
The application fee is $40 for Non-members and $10 for Abington Art Center  Members.
This non-refundable fee covers the cost of the exhibition, which includes materials, labor, advertisement and reception costs.
Please make sure you are using the correct application before submitting. If you are unsure of your membership status, you can call (215) 887-4882 or email studioschool@abingtonartcenter.org.
To find out more and apply, click here.
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