lone hunter | book cover and case, 2018, letterpress, digital archival print, offset, 5” x 9” with case Artist book edition #50
lone hunter | inside spread of book, 2018, letterpress, digital archival print, offset, 5” x 9” with case Artist book edition #50
lone hunter | postcard edition with book, 2018, letterpress, digital archival print, offset, 5” x 9” with case Artist book edition #50
lone hunter | spread from book, 2018, letterpress, digital archival print, offset, 5” x 9” with case Artist book edition #50
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Portals sky | 2019, digital archival print, variable dimension
Portals stars | 2018, digital archival print, 30" x 20"
Portals I | 2017, digital archival print, 20" x 20"
Portals latent ground | digital archival print on glass, 24" x 36"
Portals lake | 2019, digital archival print, 30" x 20"
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Geographical Lore I | 2019, digital archival print, 30" x 24"
Geographical Lore mountains | 2019, digital archival prints, 16" x 20" each
Geographical Lore II | 2019, digital archival print with silver and orange paint, cut photograph, 20" x 20"
Geographical Lore landscape | 2019, backlit film and lightbox, 16" x 16"
Geographical Lore moonscape | 2018, digital archival print on cotton, 48" x 72"
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Kirkwood Series, 1 | 2011, inkjet print, 45\" x 30\"
Kirkwood Series, 3 | 2011, inkjet print, 30\" x 20\"
Kirkwood Series, 5 | 2011, inkjet print, 30\" x 20\"
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Swell Series, 1 | 2012, inkjet print, 30\" x 20\"
Swell Series, 2 | 2012, inkjet print, 30\" x 20\"
Swell Series, the observer | 2012, inkjet print, 30\" x 20\"
Swell Series, Book | detail of 4 spreads, 2012, 82 pages, edition of 12
Nebulae | Collaboration with Victoria Burge, 2013, 5 prints, etching and letterpress Book, 32 pages Portfolio, Edition of 6
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Hills 1 | 2008, backlit film, light box, 34” x 24”
Hills 2 | 2008, backlit film, light box, 34” x 24”
Hills 3 | 2008, backlit film, light box, 34” x 24”
Hills 4 | 2008, backlit film, light box, 20” x 16”
Hills 5 | 2008, backlit film, light box, 20” x 16”
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Member Portfolio

Julianna Foster

Philadelphia, PA


Shop Available Works by Julianna Foster

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Artist Statement

Geographical Lore is a selection of photographic work exploring the natural world, including forests, mountain ranges, and desert terrain. I focus on capturing the ever-changing geography in locations such as California, New Mexico, Nevada, and the east coast of the US. Through photography, I document the complexities of stability and change over time, such as low and high tide zones, forest ecology, and geologic processes. The series examines spatial relationships, scale shifts, and materiality/structure, combining two-dimensional and three-dimensional images. It challenges perceptions of memory and representation.

Artist Biography

Julianna Foster is an artist and educator in Philadelphia. She earned a BFA in Design from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (2001) and an MFA in Book Arts + Printmaking from the University of the Arts.

Foster has exhibited work nationally and internationally, in private collections across the country, and her photographs, essays, and interviews are included in many publications. The award-winning project, Geographical Lore, is a selection of photographic works considering how the natural world can be represented. Combining photographic images of the natural world and hand-made, assembled environments, a blend of the fabricated and the “real” image plays with ideas of memory and representation. She has collaborated with various artists on projects, including creating artist multiples, artist books, and a series of photographs and videos, and has self-published two books.


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