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Art for the Cash Poor
May 29, 2019

10 Artists to Look Forward to on Saturday at Art for the Cash Poor!

About the Author
Olivia Haynes

See the exhibition here

InLiquid Member

Art for the Cash Poor is no longer right around the corner it is here, this Saturday, June 1! Here are 10 artists to look forward to seeing at the block party!
1. Benjamin Wildflower
Ben Wildflower is a printmaker based Philly who plays with religious and political iconography. His works are a balance between being both playful and serious, juxtaposing old religious imagery with current political statements.
2. Emily Townsend
“photography is the art of painting with light and a profound way to share my perspective through shapes and stories.” – Emily Townsend
Emily Townsend creates handmade whimsical collages made out of found images from various thrift-store books and photographs. Be sure to check out her booth where she’ll have original pieces on display as well as 100% cotton, limited edition giclee prints, and postcards available for purchase.
3. Botanical Funk
Botanical Funk specializes in creating surreal, funky, energy-filled paintings & illustrations on broken skateboards, old license plates, wood, canvas, and other unique recycled items and materials.  Ben Robinson is a Philadelphia-based artist, his work mixes surrealist vocabulary with an urban style to create intricate compositions full of various realities. Environmental influences such as graffiti, people, architecture, and society as a whole, are often starting points to the direction of each piece. Social commentary can often be seen at the forefront of his work, and/or also in the undertones of the artwork through subtle nuances and subject matter.
4. Clarissa Eck
Clarissa is a lifelong artist and maker. She creates functional, handmade, ceramic pieces illustrated with natural themes, animals, human bodies and stars, she uses her art as a tool of exploration and appreciation of its whimsy, mystery, and grandeur. She throws each piece on the wheel or builds it by hand, then she paints, carves, and fires each piece. The work is meant to elevate our relationship to the natural world and draw attention to the fact that we are a part of it instead of separate from it.
5. Lisa Imperiale
Lisa Imperiale creates original woodblock prints. Her inspiration is the city and the neighborhood, one of an industrial past, that she calls home. Drawing from memory or photographs she assembles layers of familiar neighborhood spaces and structures. Buildings blend and overlap and the texture of the wood comes through playing a significant role in creating a heartbeat in each print; something natural, soft, and subtle.
6. MESC Designs – Mary Cox
MESC Designs is handmade jewelry specializing in rings as wells as necklaces and earrings. All of the jewelry is created by Mary Cox in her West Philadelphia studio. The work is intended to interact with the wearer and is heavily influenced by nature and natural materials inspiring Cox to play with form, texture, and balance.  
7. Patrick Hay
“To be a maker is to connect. Making is an activity that connects to one’s past, to one’s environment, to one’s people. By some blessing or twist of fate, I have been afforded the opportunity to spend time making things, and perhaps more importantly, teaching others how to make things.”
– Patrick Hay
Patrick Hay has been a life long artist and educator, he is a maker. Hay is a storyteller, his work is a narrative tinged with nostalgia. All of his pieces contain a reference to a moment or event; whether it be embarrassing, sad, sweet or triumphant I can guarantee that they are all true
8. Jesse Ross
Born and raised in rural Pennsylvania, Jesse Ross’s art is derived from nature and the abstractions of my inner mind. His work delves into crazy and colorful cartoon worlds. Ross is currently exploring the use of glow in the dark materials, in hopes to bring forth the use of light and timing as an element to my work, as light fades colors change.  He will be offering a variety of affordable hand crafted and painted items, ranging from paintings, small resin sculptures, shoes, monster magnets, screen prints, and digital prints.
9. Gahdsaid
Gahdsaid is a Philly-based self-taught upcoming abstract and neo-expressionist painter. After a ten year hiatus, Gahdsaid returned back to the craft a few years ago. Gahdsaid will be offering illustrations and painted works on stretched canvas and panels.
10. Virginia Mae Smith
“art is the veil lifter to awaken us out of the darkness and into the light”
-Virginia Mae Smith
Virginia Mae Smith, a Philly native,  is an Intuitive Empathic Soul, an artist uncaptured and untamed. Virginia practices asemic art and intuitive painting on a regular basis. Saturday she will be selling -original acrylic and mixed media paintings, prints, screen-printed handmade wrap dresses, and hand poured candles. She is highly interested in the philosophy of life and the process of outsider art. She stands for art as the provoking voice that attempts to awaken and heal people from all backgrounds, neighborhoods, and communities, she works to transform.
We look forward to seeing you this weekend!!

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