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Exhibits & Events

Join Historic Rittenhouse Town for Tavern Night! Outside the church, the tavern was the most important institution in most towns. Taverns were used for political assemblies, markets, and, of course, a place to enjoy a good meal and learn the news of the day. Come join us as the buildings and grounds of our historic 18th-century homestead are transformed into a tavern from the 1770s, where the simple pleasures of good food, drink, and fellowship collide.

Tavern Night will feature an evening of storytelling and merriment, complete with 18th-century beer and cocktails and hearth-cooked food prepared in our Bake House. Patrons will be encouraged to learn the popular parlor games (like whist, shut-the-box, and farkle) and join in toasts and popular songs of the day.

Register for early registration, walk-ins are welcome! Be sure to look at the food and drink selections below.



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Exhibition Documentation

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