The InLiquid Benefit

The InLiquid Benefit: Everyone is a Collector
Celebrate contemporary art, design, and craft with The InLiquid Silent Auction and Benefit, spanning two-weeks with multiple parties and events to view the works up close in person. This much-anticipated event is an annual showcase for exceptional contemporary art.
InLiquid’s Benefit and Art Auction is in direct support of the Philadelphia region’s artists. Your contributions and auction purchases support over 40 free, public art exhibitions throughout the city each year, and foster the careers of over 350 local artists annually. InLiquid is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving as a resource for the region’s artists and audiences.
With an eye toward the holidays the InLiquid Gallery will be hosting a POP-UP Shop through November.
For this online virtual silent auction, you will have the opportunity to schedule and preview the artworks and items in person for safe socially distanced viewings leading up to the final bidding hours.
on our GiveSmart Auction Site for a chance to see all of the artwork that will be available at this year’s auction as we upload each piece. Check back often and get excited! You never know what you’ll find.
Previous Benefits
Brunch at The Benefit
The InLiquid Brunch at the Benefit is a free event open to the public on two Saturday mornings in November. On the day of the events, female entrepreneurs/vendors will be invited to share space at the Benefit and provide food, drinks, and other specialty items for sale while viewers enjoy the art available for purchase.
Wine Tasting at The Benefit
You’re invited to spend an evening with InLiquid exploring the elegant wines of Mural City Cellars! Enjoy the company of good friends, fine wine, and great art as we toast to this year’s Benefit + Silent Auction. This regal evening provides the perfect opportunity to look through the art available at this year’s silent auction and savor the delicate and quality flavors of some of the best local wine and cheeses.
Second Thursday Reception
Similar to Old City’s First Fridays, The Crane Arts building and neighboring galleries host Second Thursdays every month. During Second Thursdays the galleries and project spaces, including InLiquid, are open late and free to the public.
Celebrate the artist of this year’s Benefit + Silent Auction and find special one-of-a-kind pieces to grow your collection or to give as holiday gifts!
Collectors Night
The Collectors Cocktail Night is the biggest and most exciting night of The Benefit. Get dressed up and meet up with friends at Philly’s best art experience. No matter where you stand as a collector – long-time arts lover or brand-new to the art world – you’ll be surprised by the range of starting bids you’ll discover and the range of work on display.
The evening includes festive fall cocktails, local beer and wine, hearty hors d’oeuvres and delectable sweets, and is attended annually by Philadelphia’s art luminaries and leaders of the creative economy.
Young Professionals Night
Young Professionals night offers a wonderful opportunity to network with other young professionals with similar interests and glimpse into Philadelphia's thriving arts scene!
All professionals seeking to meet new people and advance their careers in the arts are encouraged to join us for a night of tasteful fun at this year’s Benefit + Silent Auction.
Last Look
Join us for the last look at the Benefit. Get your Auction Bids In! Support this year’s artists, support InLiquid, and bid, bid, BID!
Bidding closes on Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 5PM
Unable to attend a Special Event? Sign up on Calendly and join us for a peek at the works in person during regular InLiquid Office and Gallery Hours.
Pick-up of winning bids will begin on Monday, November 21, at noon. Pick-up of winning bids will continue through November from Monday through Saturday, Noon – 6 pm. Items can be shipped. Note: Winning Bidders are responsible for any shipping and handling costs.
InLiquid is sincerely thankful for all who have helped to make this event happen!
Committee List:
Virginia Baltzell, Mindy Berman, Amanda Burch, Patrick Carrow, Leila Cartier, Anaïs Cooper-Hackman, Rebecca Davidson, Carlie Eden, Steffi Freedman, Paula Glazer, Soukvilai Greiner, Cathy Grimes, Barbara Harberger, Meredith Hilferty, Bryan Hoffman, Hannah Kauffman, Nadia Kunz, Michele Lamm, Wendy Liss, Sara McCorriston, Deanna McLaughlin, Thomas Miles, Erica Minutella, Corie Moskow, Bill Osman, Maria Pantalone, Elizabeth Roan, Liz Scarlett, Maria Schneider, Pamela Shaw, Gerri Spilka, Lawrence Taylor, Andrea Wilson, John Wind, and Jennifer Zwilling
Participant List:
#170 James B Abbott, #128 Elyce Abrams, #122 Susan Abrams, #350 Bobbie Adams, #134 Nancy Agati, #121 Geoffrey Agrons, #277 Josephine Alcott, #126 Jaime alvarez, #293 Harry Anderson, #119 Kiki Aranita, #308 Leslie Atik, #147 Donna Marie Backues, #118 Lindsay Bedford, #150 Sandra Benhaim, #335 Lynne Berman, #160 Alyse C. Bernstein, #132 Michael Biello, #141 Agathe Bouton, #312 Richard J. Boutwell, #157 Keith Breitfeller, #135 Susan Breitsch, #148 Gregory Brellochs, #164 #329 #330 Linda Brenner, #248 Jennifer Brinton Robkin, #137 Kevin Broad, #155 Bill Brookover, #139 Jean Burdick, #140 Paula Cahill, #281 Charmaine Caire, #198 Jorge Caligiuri, #113 Anthony Campuzano, #304 Anne Canfield, #172 John Carlano, #101 Paul Cava, #213 Andrew Chalfen, #149 Randall Cleaver, #316 Julia Clift, #256 Andrew Conti, #273 Annette Cords, #336 Brent Crothers, #282 Peter Cunicelli, #208 Chris Curchin, #266 Deborah Curtiss, #326 Marcelo Daldoce, #234 Christina P. Day, #179 Diane Deery, #224 Brian David Dennis, #151 Barbara Dirnbach, #305 Manuel Dominguez Jr., #322 Patti Dougherty, #102 John Dowell, #253 Sharon Egan, #206 Erica Ehrenbard, #221 Mikel Elam, #291 Jessica Eldredge, #168 Erin Elman, #163 #247 Charles Emlen, #197 #114 Shepard Fairey, #171 G Farrel Kellum, #152 Lisa Fedon, #230 Linda Fernandez, #145 Julianna Foster, #251 Linda Dubin Garfield, #240 Frank Gaydos, #103 Galen Gibson-Cornell, #173 Timothy Gierschick II, #165 Lorraine Glessner, #260 Lyn Godley, #284 Catherine Gontarek, #125 Phyllis Gorsen, #214 Linnie Greenberg, #292 J.S. Grites, #227 Marguerita Hagan, #299 Melissa Maddonni Haims, #216 Nancy E. F. Halbert, #237 Jenna Hannum, #167 Summer J. Hart, #229 Patrick Hay, #182 E. Sherman Hayman, #110 Mary Henderson, #154 Thomas Herbert, #217 Kurt Herrmann, #243 Matt Higgins, #263 Marilyn Holsing, #259 John Howell White, #280 Richard Hricko, #196 Cathleen Hughes, #264 Sharka Hyland, #129 Darla Jackson, #188 Sarah Kaizar, #295 Monica Kane, #215 Suji Kanneganti, #270 Candace Karch, #301 Claudine Katin, #300 Greg Kelly, #210 Richard King, #189 Michele C. Kishita, #294 Smokie Kittner, #190 Tyler Kline, #302 John Paul Klinkose, #166 Su Knoll Horty, #285 Dianne Koppisch Hricko, #183 Sam Koren, #186 Janos Korodi, #115 #331 Nicholas Kripal, #169 Eric Kunsman, #108 Justine Kurland, #276 Joseph V. Labolito, #239 Diane Lachman, #146 Alan Lankin, #258 Caroline Lathan-Stiefel, #161 Stuart Lehrman, #310 Shelly I. Lependorf & Stan Shire, #250 Cheryl Levin, #142 Tiantian Li, #178 Tiantian Li, #175 , #143 Wendy Liss, #124 Jacque Liu, #235 Susan W Lowry, #262 Leah R Macdonald, #194 C. Pazia Mannella, #218 Jennifer Manzella, #187 Diane Marimow, #104 Andrea Marquis, #332 #333 #334 Hanga Mathe, #212 Tommy Mavra, #252 Caitlin McCormack, #269 Alloyius Mcilwaine, #287 Nick Mittelstead, #209 Brian C. Moss, #249 Warren Muller, #211 Deirdre Murphy, #203 Lee Muslin, #127 Abbey Muza, #311 Justin Myer Staller, #192 Iwan Nazarewycz, #223 Kimberly Neff, #288 Elisabeth Nickles, #131 Alexis Nutini, #275 Janell Olah, #204 Joseph Opshinsky, #283 Amy Orr, #136 Alfred Ortega, #289 HEOS Ceramics, #286 #255 Daria Panichas, #324 Kathryn Pannepacker, #245 Patrick Michael Accessories, #219 Lisa Marie Patzer, #317 Stephen Perloff, #328 Colin Pezzano, #201 Denise Philipbar, #177 Dolores Poacelli , #254 Tania Qurashi, #319 Paul Rider, #205 Lauren Rinaldi, #315 Khalif Rivers, #314 Samuel Rodriguez, #290 Stephanie Rogers , #327 Ellen Rohlfing, #321 Stuart Rome, #106 Mia Rosenthal, #112 Rebecca Saylor Sack, #111 Hiro Sakaguchi, #138 Ahmed Salvador, #318 Marta Sanchez, #242 Paul Santoleri, #202 Amy Sarner Williams, #130 Joseph Sasarak, #272 Orlando Saverino-Loeb, #158 John Schlesinger and Taji Ra’oof Nahl, #225 Maria R Schneider, #274 Athena Scott, #306 Warren Sebastian, #320 John Steven Seese, #133 Adina Segal, #120 Melanie Serkes, #231 Morgan Thomas Shankweiler, #298 Kathleen Shaver, #228 Eva Shelley, #162 Barbara Shelly, #309 Stuart Shils, #107 Danny Simmons Jr., #244 Miriam E Singer, #220 Harriette Slagle, #257 David Slovic, #193 Tremain Smith, #195 Arlene Solomon, #116 Larry Spaid, #156 Kathleen Spicer, #109 Gerri Spilka, #207 Zachary Steinheiser, #191 Krista Svalbonas, #265 Stacy Swiderski, #307 Katie Tackman, #313 Mat Tomezsko, #144 Eric Toscano, #117 Ada Trillo, #199 Sarah Tropio, #233 Scott Troxel, #180 Jacqueline Yvonne, #238 Jacqueline Unanue, #176 Ira Upin, #279 Stephanie Van Riet, #297 German Vazquez, #174 Chris Vecchio, #222 Jorge Vega, #296 Anthony Vega, #246 Jeremy Waak, #303 TJ walsh, #261 Han Wang, #271 Samara Weaver, #226 Chantal Westby, #105 Didier William, #278 Jed Williams, #325 Michael Willse, #100 John Y Wind, #123 Bradley Wind, #241 Ben Woodward, #200 Wendee Yudis, and #232 Sarah Zwerling,
Community Support:
#391 Akis Design, #352 Art Machine Productions, #387 Art Star, #395 Barcade, #353 Capital Genealogy , #354 CraftNOW Philadelphia, #355 Dirty Franks Bar, #236 Farrow & Ball from Bahdeebahdu, #356 Fork Restaurant, #357 Human Robot, #393 #394 Indigo Arts, #390 Joan Shepp Boutique, #358 John & Kira's Chocolates, #359 #360 Kevin O'Brien Studio, #361 Lily Kravets, #362 Lokal Hotel Fishtown, #363 Maleek Jackson Fitness Boxing Gym, #392 Minima, #388 #389 Modern Eye, #364 Mural City Cellars, #365 Penn Herb Company, #366 Penn Museum, #367 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, #368 Philadelphia Independents, #369 Philadelphia's Magic Gardens, # Philly Goat Project, #370 Philly Music Lessons, #371 Please Touch Museum, #372 R & D Philly, #373 #374 Stephen Taylor, Portrait Artist, #375 Sulimay’s Barbershop , #376 Tequila's, #377 The Barnes Foundation, #378 The Photo Review, #379 The Vintage Syndicate, #380 TILT Institute For The Contemporary Image, #381 #382 Trinity Framing, #383 Twenty One Pips, #384 Watson Adventures, #385 Wharton Esherick Museum, and #386 WXPN
Our Sponsors: