Concepts and Compositions: A Solo Exhibition Exploring the Yin and Yang in Art, Health and Life.
The relationship of Yin and Yang is one of opposites, like feminine and masculine, dark and light, or left and right. The yin and yang exist independently yet interconnected; balancing each other out to achieve harmony. Artist Sharon Bloomfield Hicks noticed that the shapes in her paintings were like those in yin/yang symbolism. She delved deeply into her realization, and began pushing the boundaries of her compositions, and exploring the concepts behind her work.
Concepts and Compositions is the result of her explorations. Sharon found the harmony and balance of yin and yang by alternating between painting and tufting, hand-stitching and machine, using both slow and fast process; intuitive and planned. Within each and every artwork, active relationships of color, shape and texture interconnect to arrive at a state of equilibrium.