InLiquid AFTCP Sign Up

InLiquid AFTCP: Sign Up to Join In
The vendor call is open for the 2024 installment of InLiquid’s Signature Event Art for the Cash Poor!
Art for the Cash Poor returns Saturday, June 8, from 12 to 6 pm. The event will take place on the 1400 + 1500 blocks of N. American Street in the Olde Kensington neighborhood in, Philadelphia, PA.
The Art for the Cash Poor festival activates and brings together the robust arts corridor that is North American Street. Local arts and community organizations will provide free programming for visitors that day including art and craft-making demonstrations, workshops, and more.
Art for the Cash Poor brings together a wide array of artists from diverse backgrounds and voices, celebrating the emerging and established talent of our region.
- Art for the Cash Poor is an affordable art sale, that directly benefits visual artists, designers, and craftspeople.
- All work priced at $250 or less!
- All proceeds from art sales go directly to the artists.
- All artwork is an original production by the artist.
Ways To Get Involved
Vendor Submission
Click here for the online application form. There is a non-refundable $15 application fee.
Single Booth fee - $150
Shared Booth fee - $100 each
All participants are screened for quality and how they fit in with the event, submission does not guarantee acceptance.
Artists may share booth space at a discounted rate per artist; each artist will be screened and accepted individually (we will not match artists for shared booths).
There are many benefits to being a Sponsor of the annual AFTCP Event, including opportunities to create pop-ups, lounges, and activities within the scope of the festival, engaging directly with audiences and promoting your company while supporting local arts with InLiquid!
Want to learn more?
Promotional Materials
Promotional and Marketing Graphics coming soon.
Want to be a part of the Community? Learn how you can help us make the event a success.
There are many ways to help out. From pre-event organization, event set-up, day of community engagement, event break-down, and post event organization.
Volunteer teams welcome!